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I spent a lot of time in my computer room yesterday. It was a nice day. It was sunny, but kind of cool and breezy. I opened the window to let the breeze in, and noticed a bunch of dead bugs in the space between the window and the screen. I looked closer and saw that it was one stink bug (no big deal), and three yellow jackets (AAAHH!).

I know those jellow jackets weren’t there the last time I opened the window, so sometime in the last few days they all got in there and died. But the really important question is: Why were they there? Is there a nest somewhere nearby? I looked in the top of the window… nothing. And aren’t yellow jackets ground-dwellers? Am I going to be digging in my garden and suddenly hit a yellow jacket nest? *jibblie* *jibblie*

This is going to bother me.

Where are they from?  Why are they here?


  1. Lauren

    Yikes. That is disturbing. If they’re dead, that means they have been there over the winter, right? Or is it possible that they have starved in a few days/weeks? How does that work with insects? Maybe the stink bug was just really heroic.

    • Brad

      They were not there over winter. The last time I opened the window (last week some time) they weren’t there. They are freshly dead. But the stink bug has been there for a while. I’ve just been too lazy to take it out.

  2. Peggy

    Maybe the bees have an ant colony in their nest & they were trying to get a hold of some of your new poison-the-ants magic solution.

  3. Ron Royuk

    Maybe he bees were hungry and fatally sampled the dead stink bug.

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