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A Beginner Backpacking: Getting Stuff

So for a long time, my co-worker Brady has wanted to hike the Maryland portion of the Appalachian Trail. He asked a neighbor of his who is an experienced backpacker if he would be willing to go this summer. He was willing. Brady mentioned it to me as well, asking if I was interested. I really like hiking, but rarely ever do it. This sounded like fun. We leave Thursday.

I got a book in Nebraska and read up on the subject. It seems simple and complicated at the same time. All you’re really doing is walking around with a bunch of stuff on your back, then sleeping in a tent. Simple. But if you don’t take the correct equipment with you, you could be in trouble. Complicated.

Yesterday I met with Brady and we talked about what supplies we had. He was able to borrow backpacks and a tent for both of us. I’m really glad. Backpacks and tents are expensive. But there is a whole ton of other stuff that makes for a successful backpacking trip. Tony (Brady’s neighbor) has some of it, but some of it must be gotten. Brady and I went to REI yesterday to shop. I got socks and food. It cost me $70. Ack! But I don’t want blisters. And I do want to eat.

The backpack is big!

I opted for non-spicy meals.  I don't need intestinal distress while in the backcountry.

Today I’m going to look for a hat. My gardening hat would work okay, but I think I need something that’s collapsible.


  1. Deanne Marino

    Brad, we have some more gear if you need more. In particular, we have a simple, fleece sleeping bag liner that we have used for summer backpacking. And several different sleeping pads that make the ground much more comfortable. Let me know if we can lend you something for your trip.

  2. Lauren

    So! Exciting! Are you going to be able to keep that pack under 40 pounds? Will your iPhone hold a charge for the whole trip? Are you going to take along some dried Gouda cheese? Have you visited the Thorlos website? I like how they keep saying ‘fad pads’ on their video.

    Are you So! Excited!??

  3. Carol

    …yea, and I got to hear Brady’s version of the trip to REI last evening…high point seemed to be listening to the “expert” explain how to deal with the “necessities” while you’re out there without benefit of plumbing (ten miles/day for 4 days – are you CRAZY?! But I digress…). My questions this morning include but are not limited to:
    1. Who has the compass, or does one of you have enough metal in his skull already to act as a natural magnetic north?
    2. What sort of first aid kit did they recommend carrying with you, ‘cuz you know SOMEbody’s gonna need it?
    3. How will you make your daily blog posts – by iPhone? Or (gasp) will there be a four-day voic in cyberspace until your return?
    4. With whom did you leave the “notification of next of kin” instructions…just in case, of course?

    Well…if you must go, enjoy yourselves; don’t come back with a raging case of poison something-or-the-other, sunburn, broken bones anywhere, etc.; it’s okay – our front bed can wait………….. 🙁

  4. Peggy

    I forgot what you said about ‘burying it’. Advised or unadvised? Because I think there were conflicting thoughts.

    Have a great time & take lots of pictures! (Are you concerned any about your back hauling the 40lb load? I guess a backpack with wheels would look too nerdy huh?)

  5. Peggy

    And I don’t think $70. is very much when you consider this covers your lodging, meals, & entainment for a 4 day trip.

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