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Work Music

I still buy CDs. I like having something physical in my hands in exchange for my money. I like being able to store a copy of the music outside of my computer. I like to pretend that physical CDs never have any crippling DRM on them.

When I would do work at school, I had a stack of several CDs I would listen to on my CD player. They are a mix of movie soundtracks and classical music. They really helped me focus on my work and get it done. Over time, they became a sort of Pavlov’s bell for me. When I heard the music, I got in the mood for work.

Since I took my classroom down, I don’t have a set workplace anymore. I’m thinking that there are going to be times I need to get work done and will need the musical signal. So I uploaded all those CDs into my computer, and from my computer to my phone. Now I can carry that music with me wherever I go. I’ll be a dynamo!

There are twelve of them.

But I’ll keep the CDs in a safe place. Just in case.


  1. Carol

    Your “May your grading be dangerous!” CD of the Soundtrack of Our Lives chapel starter has come in handy for me more than once already. I brought it home for safe keeping during the Big Classroom Shuffle this summer but will try to remember to bring it back next week as I still seem to have a ton of things (not even hyperbole this time) to put away/organize/move/deal with. You are so right about certain music putting one right in the mood for work. Like..not Claire de Lune, for instance…

  2. Lauren

    Ha! I’m going to test that theory next time you’re here. I’ll be sure to have dropped many subtle hints beforehand: “Whew, this laundry is really getting overwhelming” and “Don’t you think this floor would look better refinished?”. I’ll have to make sure your iPhone is fully charged, though. I don’t want moldy laundry and a half-finished floor.

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