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I bought “The Hunger Games” book a while ago. I had intended to read it before I watched the movie. That didn’t happen. But I did get around to reading it finally. I think it was the first time I ever saw the movie first, then read the book. It was a little distracting to have movie images in my head while I was trying to read. But the movie makers actually did a pretty good job of covering everything that was in the book.

I wanted to continue reading the series, so I went to the bookstore. It took me a while to find the books because they were in a special display area. All I could find for books 2 and 3 was hardcover. Book 1 in softcover was $9. The hardcover books were $18. The info desk girl said that you can only get the softcover through Scholastic. I was feeling impatient, so I got the hardcover books. Thirty-six dollars seems like a lot of money, but I’m getting hours and hours of entertainment, and reading is good for my brain. I think it was worth it. (If I would just go to the dang library, I could get them for free.)

I like the cover layout.

I still like physical books, so I’m glad to have them, but I don’t want to keep books after reading them. They’re just clutter. Maybe the library would accept my donation of these books when I’m done.


  1. Lauren

    Amen to the ‘ouch’ of $36. I borrowed the second book from a co-worker, but then I wanted to read the 3rd book now and her daughter was still reading it. I wound up buying the e-book version on my iPad because I was so impatient. Could’ve gone to the library….

    Did you like the series? I did, though I can remember very little of it. 🙂

    • Peggy

      Hehe…..I read the series too….and I forgot alot of it as well! I don’t know what the problem is, I read a book and then swoosh….so much of it flies out of my head.

      Enjoy your brain food!

  2. Carol

    Amen to everything you said about physical books (I shall never a Kindle or Nook-user be) and the resultant clutter. In my former life, I was a regular library user for that reason. Now, unless the library were open between midnight and 6 a.m., I doubt I could ever get there to use it any more…

    Enjoy the decadence of spending shy of $40 on yourself. I think you’re worth it.

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