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Conference Day

Yesterday, I went to Oahu for a Lutheran teachers conference. I met my co-workers at the Kahului airport, we all hopped on a plane, and 30 minutes later, we were on another island. Cool! The conference is marked with a blue dot below:
It was a short ride from the airport.

The meeting place was a golf course that a Presbyterian church bought and uses for their worship services, but also rents out to people like us who want to meet there. And also it’s still a golf course. It was a cloudy day, but I did do a panoramic picture from the parking lot. I wish there was more light. The mountainous cliffs next to the building were cool.

Also, there were chickens in the parking lot.
They did not crow.

The conference was nice. I always like being in the company of my fellow ministers of the Gospel. It’s very encouraging. There were about 100 participants there.
That empty chair in the foreground is where I sat.

I saw someone I knew! I should have remembered that she was teaching in Oahu, but I had forgotten for some reason. It was Cynthia, my former student from Baltimore. She is from the days I directed high school choir. That was ages ago!
We talked non-stop during the lunch hour.

On the flight back, I sat in the window seat. As we flew over Maui, I saw Kihei. The window was cloudy, so the picture looks dim, but Uwapo Road cuts a clear horizontal line just south of the woods. I marked the location of my apartment in the picture:
The walk to the beach is less than five minutes.

It was a good day. Today is a teacher work day. I’m glad. I have a TON of work to do.


  1. Lauren

    Chickens. Of course.

    That is just mind-blowing to me. Hop on a plane for a conference. A beautiful conference in an idyllic setting. And how funny that you have met up with two former students! Sounds like a wonderful day.

  2. Carol

    I am both elated for you and selfishly sad for myself. (OK…many of youor posts have elicited this feeling, but that’s for another conversation.) Your school can afford to fly teachers to conferences…your school sends its staff to conferences….you get to attend conferences and network with other teachers in Lutheran schools…sorry, just can’t picture it. ahem.

    This former student looks a tad familiar, but I’m sure she would have been out of middle school by the time I arrived. Maybe I saw her in the upper school hallway. How cool again that you got to see a former student now working alongside you in ministry! This extended field trip you’re on – it rocks!

  3. Peggy

    Is the chicken the state bird? If not, it should be.

    Glad your flights were uneventful! And it warms my heart to see a teacher with a former student who is now also a teacher. That is so cool! It is amazing of who you’ve run into all the way over there. Keep your antennae up for MP…..I have no doubt that your paths will cross.

    Love the panoramic view! Keep ’em coming!

    Can you introduce us to some of your new co-workers? Even if it is just the back of them.

  4. Peggy

    Oh, and all those buildings around your apartment…..is that all housing or are there stores mixed in?

    • Brad

      Immediately around my apartment is other apartments. You can see a couple of hotel complexes on the beach. The stores are, for the most part, all farther south. In the picture above, south is up and to the left.

  5. Jill

    I love seeing your Hawaiian adventures. My sister lives just north of where your conference was (MCBH) and she doesn’t take/send any pics. Let me know if you’re ever going to be on Oahu for an extended period of time. I’m sure she’d have some good recommendations of where to go.

  6. Kim

    now you are an island hopper as well… great

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