Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Ugh. Bradaptation was hacked and had malware on it. Lloyd once again was Awesome IT Support Man. He purged all the Bradaptation software and isolated individual posts that had been corrupted. Thanks, Lloyd.

Lloyd sent me a list of the corrupted posts so I could go through each of them and manually remove any extra code. There were 73 posts affected. It took me two and a half hours. I was up way past my bed time. Dang.

The site will look weird today and maybe tomorrow. And it won’t look the same once I load a new theme. But for now, I can’t work on it any more. I’m out of time.


  1. Lauren

    Booooooo. I am so sorry. I hope you sleep in a little today so you don’t have a weird Wednesday. 🙁

  2. Lloyd Sommerer

    How many of those posts had something strange at the end?

    • Brad

      The first five just had YouTube videos. The rest had malicious code. The code wasn’t all the same. The first 40 or so that I cleared had code in the middle with “div” starting it, and then a little tag at the very end of the post. The last 20 had extra code at the beginning and end of the posts.

      • Lloyd

        The ones with the div tag confused me. All the div tag did was make it so the rest of the change didn’t show up when people viewed the post, but the actual change was just a strange string. I googled it, but all that showed was that other people had that strange string on their site as well.

  3. Carol

    For what it’s worth, I saw nothing unusual on this end of cyber space…but now I wonder if this hacking was related to why nobody could see your captions…? I feel for you, kiddo – must feel like having someone break into your home (been there; hate that, too). Take a nap at school today – doctor’s orders. (Yea, see if that’ll hold up with your boss…)

    • Carol

      LOVE the glasses-wearing sunshine now inserted where my photo could have gone. I’m sure that’s just some sort of default graphic, but by cracky it works for me!

      • Carol

        […although now that I look more closely, it appears I have died…X-es in the eyes and all…not good…]

  4. Peggy

    Dang. That stinks. And 73 posts! Holy cow! I think you need to take today off.

    And Lloyd, I think you need a cape that you can wear when you’re Awesome IT Support Man.

  5. Peggy

    Stupid hacker with your polluting malware,
    If you’re bored, may I suggest getting a guitar!

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