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Back to the Doctor

Two days ago, I woke up with the weirdest sore throat – it didn’t hurt at all unless I swallowed, and then it hurt A LOT… a dull, clenching hurt. By the end of the night on Wednesday, I almost couldn’t swallow. I was a little worried that my throat would swell shut or something, but I made it through the night.

Yesterday morning I decided to call the doctors office as soon as it opened and get an appointment. They scheduled me for right after school. It’s interesting to go to a clinic as my primary care. Procedures are different. Faster. I got in right with my appointment. The office was very efficient.

I did feel a little silly going in for a sore throat, but this is sore in a way I haven’t experienced in recent memory. The PA who saw me didn’t do a lot to help me feel less silly, since she talked about nasal drainage and gargling with salt water. I just wanted to know if my throat was closing. She did at least address that. She said the opening was still big enough. Then she swabbed me for strep throat. I find myself a little conflicted… would I rather not have strep and be better soon, or would I rather have strep and be vindicated?

I got two medicines: One was to make my nose run, so it doesn’t drain into my throat. I’m not draining, so I won’t be taking that medicine. The other medicine is contact anesthetic. The PA said if my throat bothered me too much, I could gargle the anesthetic and my throat (and mouth) would go numb. No thank you.

So what do I do with nose steroids and anesthetic mouthwash?

So what do I do with nose steroids and anesthetic mouthwash?


  1. Lauren

    Heh heh – anesthetic mouthwash. Use it once and tell us if it makes you talk funny. If it does, keep it around forever! || I don’t know what to do with nose steroids. How strong does your nose have to be, anyway?

  2. Carol

    So did they even tell you what this was then? Which virus or bacterium runs rampant through your upper respiratory area to cause this discomfort? Will they call you later with results, or will this remain a great mystery now that they’ve sold the medicines to another unsuspecting….uh…anyway, I trust you’re under school insurance there? And I am still a fan of the warm salt water gargle from Grandma Kropiunik days – always worked when she made me do it, and it’s “free” and non-narcotic, so…

  3. Peggy

    I say whenever your throat hurts that bad, you should go to the doctor. If it was strep, that should be treated right away. Better to be safe than sorry. === And maybe it’s a viral infection of some type….the same infection that attacked your eye. How is your eye btw? === Did you tell the doctor that all you have to do to make your nose run is eat a lot of food?

  4. Peggy


  5. Lloyd

    Is this the Clean Retina theme?

    • Brad

      Yes, but I can’t seem to customize it exactly to my liking. I like to actually see the comments on the first post on the homepage, but I don’t see that option. I went looking for a plugin, but again couldn’t find that.

      Also, this theme is a little colorless. I’m preparing a header to see if that helps.

      On the plus side, you can hit ‘return’ in the comments and get a paragraph break.

      • Lloyd

        I don’t think you’ll find one that has comments on the first post. I had to add some php code to the last theme to make that work. But we can add it to pretty much any theme, so don’t (a) let that be your deciding factor and (b) spend any time looking for one that does that.

        Look for a plugin that lets users set the theme (I think there is one) and then we can see the ones you are considering.

        • Lloyd

          What do you think of this one: http://themify.me/demo/#theme=thememin (I think it is $39)

        • Brad

          I’m trying to keep the same kind of look. I’ve always had the blue/grey thing going on, and menus on the right side. My other considerations are all mechanical – I want threaded comments, full post texts showing, big pictures in the post (640 x 480), and a pleasant font. It looks like I can get that from many, many themes. But trying to find how to change settings and such is taking some time.

          The other thing that I can’t seem to find is a theme that shows captions when you hover the cursor over the pictures. I guess that is old-fashioned now. Now it’s all about captions underneath the pictures.

          • Lloyd

            Well, you’ve got me looking at themes now too, and that can go on for hours and hours. Threaded comments can be added via plugins too, so don’t worry too much about that. I really like that you have large photos. Showing the captions is probably more of a browser thing now. Many browsers used to show alt text when you hover, but more and more they only show title text when you hover (which is probably the right thing to do).

            The more modern a theme is, the more options you have and the more time it takes to figure out how to make the changes you want. I just went through that with our new CSTA Nebraska website (which is also running wordpress).

          • Brad

            It’s parent/teacher conference day. I have another conference right now, so I have to take a break from looking at themes…
            I’ll be back in 45 minutes or so.

  6. Lloyd

    I like this one: http://demo.mythemeshop.com/s/?theme=Boxline (it looks like it would take a little tweeking)

    Or this one (switch sidebar to right and click on blog): http://themeforest.net/item/tree-minimal-blog-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/3324422

    • Brad

      Those both cost money? Is there some benefit to paying for a theme?

      • Lloyd

        Just better themes.

    • Brad

      I think I’m going to stick with this theme for now. It’s called atheros. I like the header picture, the font is ok, I can post big pictures, and I like that it lets you do paragraph breaks in the comments.

      See? New paragraph!

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