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New Theme

Yesterday I spent a little time looking at themes for this website. A theme is the set of software instructions that determine how the site looks. There are hundreds of free ones available to me. I tried a bunch of them. It was kind of fun, but kind of frustrating. I had a specific set of requirements in mind. Lloyd happened to be online the same time as I was experimenting and we had a bit of a conversation in the comments of yesterday’s post. Here is what I said I wanted:

I’m trying to keep the same kind of look. I’ve always had the blue/grey thing going on, and menus on the right side. My other considerations are all mechanical – I want threaded comments, full post texts showing, big pictures in the post (640 x 480), and a pleasant font.

I think I’ve found most of those things in my new theme called atheros. I am pleased to announce that you can now do new paragraphs in the comments again. Woo hoo!

Here is a peek behind the scenes at Bradaptation. It’s the theme-adjusting control panel:

I of course could not go with Cazuela.  It has a bunny on it.

I of course could not go with Cazuela. It has a bunny on it.


  1. Carol

    ..and I immediately saw the “70” toward the right of your header and thought “how clever of Brad to post the year of his birth right there!” Came with the package, though, eh? Fooled me!

    There is SO much to know about this sort of thing, isn’t there? Hand me a chisel and a stone and I have no difficulty understanding how that works…after that, it’s a carp shoot…

    • Carol

      HA! “like shooting fish in a barrel?” No, I meant a “cr** shoot”. Maybe my typing dyslexia was censoring my choice of words?

      …and I totally get why the bunny motif wouldn’t work for you, sir.

  2. Kim

    If you put the bunny theme up, I would have been laughing all day! Kudos on finding all your favorites in one theme. Happy Saturday!

  3. Lauren

    I am in awe of your ability to mess with the guts of the site. That is scary, foreign territory to me. What you have now it quite nice – very sleek!

    I appreciate the ‘new paragraph’ feature, as I like to jump around from topic to topic.

    Bunnies are nice.

    Just testing.

    Still testing.


  4. Peggy

    I’m with Kim….the bunny would have been hilarious!

    If you had a garden in Hawaii, what critters would you be shooting shooing away? The chickens? Mongoose? Baby seals?

  5. Peggy

    Why is there the number 456 above “Back to the Doctor” post? Is this a code?

    • Lloyd Sommerer

      I was trying to add the comments back to the front page and I needed to see if my IF statement was working as expected, so there was originally a “123” that would always appear and a “456” that would appear if it was the first post. I took off the “123”, because it appeared after every post, but left the “456” because [reason not found].

      Brad, it looks like you tried to get comments on the front page as well. I don’t have any idea why that isn’t working. I would suggest seeing if it works on a different theme.

      • Brad

        I have to leave this theme on for now. I’ll browse other themes later today…

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