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Like an Apple

Happy Birthday to my niece Tara! Yay!

On the slopes of the volcano here in Maui, the weather is a little cooler. That, combined with regular rain and rich soil, makes it a great place to grow produce. One of the things Maui is famous for is sweet onions. I have been very curious about them. Most interesting was a claim that they are so sweet they can be eaten like an apple.

Kula is the town where all the produce is grown.

Kula is the town where all the produce is grown.

Challenge accepted! I got some Maui onions yesterday. They came in packs of three. I selected a nice firm one, peeled the outside papery layers off, and took a bite.


Pretty, shiny, and smooth.

Pretty, shiny, and smooth.




It was fresh tasting and sweet, but I’m sorry to say I couldn’t take more than one bite. Swallowing the raw onion started a fire in my belly. I could not have eaten any more without risking major stomach acid problems. I do have a nice recipe for sweet onion casserole. Maybe I’ll make that with the remaining two onions…


  1. Lloyd

    Does that mean you are a Mormon now?

  2. Lauren

    Is that a ‘fire in my belly’ joke, Lloyd?

    I’ve had that sweet onion casserole, and it is delicious! I am ashamed to say that the first time you made it I acted like a baby and was all, “I can’t just eat onions straight!” but you proved me wrong. Thank you for expanding my culinary world.

  3. Peggy

    I would make a joke here, but onion jokes always make me cry. (Goodness, my dad’s spirit just came pouring out there)

    You are so brave! Dispite the claims, I could never bite into that onion. I vote for onion rings for the other onions.

    Btw: I finally made contact with MP!!! And guess where he lives? On the slopes of the volcano! In Kula….I think. Is that on the volcano? He said he’d be happy to help you with anything while your in Maui.

  4. Aunt Bev

    I love onions ….from and onion sandwich, to onion rings, to onions IN things, to onions ON things….but to take a bite of one has not yet crossed my taste buds! I think I’ve tasted your onion dish “casserole” that you make with Vidalia onions and it is very good. Please share your recipe if you would? Thanks…Have A Blessed Week!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

    • Aunt Bev

      “An Onion” Correction….Sorry for the grammatical errror!! Or typing error!! Whatever!!!

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