Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

A Long Time

I’m back in Maui. It was a long, long day of flying. I left Baltimore at 12:45pm and arrived in Maui at 11:15pm (which is 5:15am in Baltimore) Sheesh!

My flights were pretty good. Short layovers meant no wasted time. And then I got to LA. The plane we were supposed to fly in wasn’t there. It had been delayed by bad weather. Our flight wouldn’t leave until three hours later. Ugh.

But one good thing is that I could eat. My short layovers meant I couldn’t get anything substantial to eat. I was pretty hungry, so I went to McDonald’s and got a Big Mac. Sometimes you’ve just gotta eat a Big Mac. I chose a seat in the sun. I thought maybe bright sunlight would help reset my body clock. I don’t know if it’ll work or not. I’ll let you know. After I sleep in.



Lloyd and Samith are here too. They arrived a couple of hours before I did. We will now begin our Days of Fun. After we sleep in.


  1. Lauren

    Sleep, boys, sleep! Sleep the sleep of the tired and jetlagged!

    Sooooo glad that you are all there and safe. 😀

  2. Peggy

    Yay for safe travels! (tiring as it may be)

    Here’s to your days of fun, sun, and a side order of fries if you get another Big Mac! Really Brad…what’s up with no fries at McDonalds?!?

  3. Lloyd

    No sleeping in. Wake up Brad. It’s time to see the beach at sunrise.

  4. Debbie Foelber

    Glad you got back to Maui safe and sound. I’m with Peggy -definitely fries with the Big Mac!

  5. Kristi

    Get up and do stuff. That’s one of the best ways to fight jetlag. You can do it, Honeymooners x 4.

    • Lloyd

      Sleeping works too.

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