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New Store

Yesterday afternoon I got a tip on an aquarium store that was really close to my apartment. I decided to check it out immediately. I did have some trouble finding it though. I thought it was part of the Golden Ring shopping center that has Home Depot and Walmart. I drove around and around the parking lot. No aquarium store. I asked Siri, and she helped me figure it out. I was on the wrong side of Rossville Blvd.

I was where the red arrow is.  The store is marked by the A.

I was where the red arrow is. The store is marked by the A.

The store was great! I took a long time to walk through. They had many beautiful fish. I recognized the woman behind the counter. She used to work at another aquarium store. I stopped short of saying that to her. I was worried it would sound creepy.


  1. Carol

    Is this place near the MallowBar? If it is, you can kill two fish birds with one stone: get crispy rice treats while enjoying the new fish store! Even if it’s not, they seem near enough to have an excuse to make the additional stop. Just a thought…

    So, did you actually get any new fish there?

    • Brad

      I didn’t get any fish. I’ll need a new tank first. I used to have so many fish tanks. Now I have none. I’ll wait until I’m back in my house.

  2. Lauren

    Um, I sat down a little bit ago and started a comment, but after I got back from getting my cereal, it is gone. What the what?

    God bless Siri. Is there nothing she can’t do?

    I was wondering about the symbol by UniFirst. At first I thought it was a shopping symbol, which is weird since the name sounds like a bank. Now I see that there is a shopping cart by Sam’s, so is it supposed to be a bank symbol that looks like…. a purse? Isn’t that kind of sexist?

  3. Peggy

    Did you know that fish are the number one pet in the US? Interesting.

    What do you call a fish that’s missing an eye?

    • Jill


      I love that joke.

  4. Aunt Bev

    I’m still smiling from these posts!!! (^_^) Very inquisitive about the “Mallow Bar” I LOVE RICE KRISPIE TREATS!!! I guess that’s why I’m soft and fluffy (& sometimes sweet) like a marshmallow!!!! <3 Aunt Bev

  5. Lloyd

    Yellow Brick Road? Where does it go?

  6. Michele

    We saw that store on Sunday when we drove by and I asked my husband if he thought it was a store that sold tropical fish or a restaurant that had an awesome fish menu. I guess we got our answer!

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