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Waiting and Flying and Eating

I’m in Nebraska!

I’m glad I like to get to the airport a long time before my flight, because I really needed it yesterday. The line for security was longer than I had ever seen it. When I got to the front of the line, I waited some more while two separate people tried to send water bottles through, a whole family of hoarders ran their things through the machine, and the scanner computer had to reboot.

Long line.

Long line.

My flight from Baltimore to Atlanta was terrifying. The wings made horrible noises on takeoff. I had never heard these noises before. I was sure the wings were going to fall off. Thankfully, they didn’t. My layover in Atlanta was pretty tight. I was worried my suitcase wouldn’t make it onto the plane with me. We were about to take off, when suddenly I saw it out the window. Yay! I grabbed my camera to take a picture of it:

It was too late.

It was too late.

The flight from Atlanta to Omaha was on a nice new plane. The timing of my flights and layover meant I wouldn’t have dinner unless I bought it on the plane. It was full of highly processed foods. It was a big ol’ box of chemicals. Delicious chemicals. Mmm…

I ate all of it.

I ate all of it.


  1. Carol

    Glad you at least had something healthy for lunch yesterday. But, then, had the plane gone down after you consumed all those chemicals, your body would have been easiest to locate, still preserved centuries later….

    Enjoy the visit and don’t give a single thought to rattling wing noises for the next two weeks. (he he…now I know you won’t be able to stop thinking about them…I’m evil…)

  2. Lauren

    I am so glad you made it safely, I spite of the horrible experiences, including that dinner! A dinner of snacks….. I guess that’s not so bad.

    See you tomorrow!

  3. Peggy

    A family of hoarders…HAHA!!

    And holy smokes ….. you weren’t kidding about that line being long! That would have really frustrated me. But why is it in a hallway? Where’s the snake line with the poles & ropes?

    Have a fun trip! And I hope the only thing that falls off …. is you to sleep.

  4. Aunt Bev

    Welcome To God’s Country/State/Nebraska!!……Can’t wait to see you….. <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

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