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To Lincoln

I went on a trip to Lincoln with Lloyd and Lauren yesterday. It was a satisfying visit. We each accomplished our goals. Lloyd is moving to a different classroom. We helped him move some stuff. Lauren and I both had some shopping to do. It led us to the SouthPointe Shopping Center in Lincoln. And guess who was there? Abraham Lincoln! I sat with him for a while.

I was telling him in was a Nanho Blue butterfly bush.

I was telling him in was a Nanho Blue butterfly bush.

Later on, we stopped at a different shopping center so Lloyd could get a new game. There was also an antique store there. They had LOTS of old games there. It was a walk down memory lane. The most amazing find in the store was this:

I thought these were extinct - even in antique stores.

I thought these were extinct – even in antique stores.


  1. Carol

    Indeed – I thought there was some sort of national ban on Jarts, sort of like playing Dodgeball in schools. Great find – now don’t get yourselves arrested buying or using those!

    So how was old Abe anyway? He doesn’t look much the worse for wear.

    Hoping it’s not as gestunkin heiss out by you in NE as it is in VA, MD, and the East Cost overall. Red bandana used frequently to remove perspiration from brow, neck, glasses, etc., yesterday. [It’s my new best friend, in fact, and will undoubtedly get a work out again today! Sheesh!!]

  2. Lauren

    You and Abe make a fine pair. His coloring’s a little off, though. Probably too much sun.

    Yay for shopping! (And not buying much!)

  3. Peggy

    Ha! Abe looks so pleased with the knowledge your sharing!

    And at 1st I thought you meant Lloyd wanted to get a new video game….but he wanted to get a regular, old fashioned game?

    And what does it mean by “Slider” jarts?

    • Brad

      Lloyd thought it might be fun to learn a new game instead of Settlers of Catan. There were many choices, and the guy talked about them in great detail. I was overwhelmed by all the information. Lloyd decided on a game called “Ticket to Ride”.

      The box on the Jarts says the fin slides back for more accurate flight.

      • Kristi

        I’ve been wanting to get “Ticket to Ride.” Let me know what it’s like, please!!!

        I also like the camera angle for the shot of you and Honest Abe.

  4. Brady G

    Ticket to Ride is a great game! Shorter than Settlers of Catan, but with some building and such. Lark and I bought it on a whim one Christmas, then liked it so much that we went back and purchased two more for our families. They love it also. I’ve been playing the tablet version that just came out for the Android system. Hope Lloyd (and others) enjoy it.

    • Peggy

      Yes Brad, please let us know how it is. Settlers never sounded like something I would like.

      In other words….how much hard core thinking is involved?

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