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It was time to take a trash bag to the outside trash can, and I had some extra room, so I looked around for something that needed to be thrown away. I found it: my frying pan.

Years ago, I bought a set of pots and pans made by Anolon. They were kind of fancy: rubbery handles, glass lids, inside and outside coated with non-stick coating. I was very happy with this set.

Over the years, the bottom of the frying pan got little nicks and scratches in it. It was my most used pan. During the cleaning or storage process after the fire, something caused the pan to rust. It was seriously messed up. I tried cleaning it, but it was ruined, so I threw it away.




  1. Carol

    Offering a moment of silence for the years of service the pan had given you………

    We have several flat pans at our house of varying diameters, surfaces, and dinged rims from falling out of cabinets at odd times. We don’t really need as many as we have, but I can’t imagine not having any one of them – this one is better for omeletes (can’t seem to spell that properly today), that one for pork chops, etc. So my heart goes out to you on your loss. –she who so rarely cooks it shouldn’t matter what’s in her kitchen cabinets.

  2. Lauren

    I, too, mourn the loss of your pan.

    Also, ‘Anolon’ makes it sound like a very adventurous cooking set, like the kind you’d bring on a Quest! Maybe that could be a new oath: “By the pots of Anolon!”

  3. Peggy

    Didn’t the USDA recently add rust to the food pyramid? To help with the iron deficiency so many of us suffer from.

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