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Hard-ly Worth It

Over a year ago, the government sent some people to “fix” my sidewalk. Apparently, there was something wrong with it, and if I didn’t get it fixed, I would be fined.

Yesterday, I received the notice of money due for the work they did. The amount due wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Since I couldn’t get any private company to take the job, and since I was being compelled to do this work and compelled to hire the government to do it, I fully expected a bill of a thousand dollars or more for the three squares they replaced. The bill was for $455.

I’m not as mad as I might have been, but I’m still mad. That’s almost half a thousand dollars. I could do a lot more fun stuff with half a thousand dollars than just buying three sidewalk squares.

This is not a bill.  It's a notice.

This is not a bill. It’s a notice.


  1. Carol

    That’s just a handful over 151 dollars per square, right? A steal…as long as you ask for it or volunteer to have it taken care of or agree to the arrangement, none of which was the case. Grrrrr…..

  2. Lauren

    Wow. The language of that is quite blunt and unfriendly. Looks like you got fined anyway, what with all the scolding.

    Not cool, Department of Transportation. Not. Cool.

  3. Peggy

    Why have they levied an assessment against you & your property when they haven’t even sent the bill yet? Bullies! If this is just a pre-bill notice, I hate to think what the bill will say. Pay now or die tomorrow.

    Sue the city for harrassment.

  4. Deborah

    I agree with Lauren that they didn’t need to be so big wordy about it. Very annoying.

  5. Deborah

    Also, it took a year for them to send you a “not bill”? What’s with that?

  6. Peggy

    Did you have a Kramer reaction when you opened it? 😉

    • Brad

      Haha! I’ll have to keep working towards that…

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