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Still Green

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I have very few houseplants left in my house. At one time, nearly every window had a plant in it. My upstairs office used to look almost like a jungle. Now I’m down to four plants: two large and two small. One of the small plants is currently in my downstairs bathroom. It used to be upstairs, but when I moved in after the fire, I never got it back up there again. Instead, it sits in my downstairs bathroom… my dark, dry downstairs bathroom.

This plant is a sansevieria. I got it at IKEA a few years ago. I like it because it is the cylindrical form of sansevieria. The leaves look like round tubes. It spent last summer outside and burned in the sun. Now it sits in the dark, and I have forgotten to water it since September. And it looks great.

Want to grow an indestructible houseplant? Get a sansevieria.

The tips of the leaves are a little burned from when it was in the sun outside.

The tips of the leaves are a little burned from when it was in the sun outside.

I preached yesterday. Rosie and Mike came to the service. It was fun to see them, and Rosie had planned to have us go to lunch together, but I had to leave for work. My shift started at noon instead of 1:30. HERE is the message.


  1. Lauren

    Very nice message. I like how you know so much detail and share it in an interesting way – way to use your gifts!

    Congratulations on the survival of that crazy plant! I admire weirdness and approve heartily. 🙂

  2. Lloyd

    What is a evieria and why doesn’t a sansevieria have any?

  3. Bev Greunke

    Romans 5:1 is my confirmation verse…….(^_^)

    I printed off your sermon and if I have your permission, may I use some of it sometime for a devotion/topic for our LWML?


    Love, Aunt Bev 🙂

  4. Peggy

    I don’t understand all your plant talk, but I really like that plant….and the container it’s in too, I really like. I need a plant that can sit on the ledge in between my kitchen & dining room. No sunlight really reaches there. I’ve tried a few with no success. This plant may be too big. Do succulents need sun?

    And yes, super message! It’s so nice to be reminded that we’re loved! Thanks for the reminder Brad….and thank you God!

  5. Rosie

    We were so glad to worship with you yesterday. And what a great message! It made me really miss being at chapel at BLS with you and our other friends. I’m glad to know that God continues to speak through us wherever we go.

  6. Kim

    Hey- Did you know some people call that plant Mother-In-Laws tongue? It is not a compliment!

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