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What does it mean when the electric company sends you a check? Why wouldn’t they just hold on to that money and call it a credit? No note came along with this check. It was just enclosed in a featureless envelope. There is no “memo” section that says why I get this money. By cashing it, am I agreeing to some contract or terms of service thing? I hesitate to deposit it…

That pink box in the upper right corner turns white when you breathe on it.  I played with it for a long time.

That pink box in the upper right corner turns white when you breathe on it. I played with it for a long time.


  1. Carol

    Hmmmmmmm…very curious…uh, I believe that check was intended for us, sir. You see, they elected to raise our electric bill by about that much every two months – something about using more electricity over the abnormally-cold winter or something. Yea…that’s the ticket…hand over our money, will ya’? 😉

  2. Lauren

    The pink turns white when you breathe on it? How did you find that out? Keep the check – that feature is priceless!

  3. Peggy

    Only you, only you.

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