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The Whole Thing

Because of all the salt that’s been spread on the roads lately, I’ve been using my windshield washer fluid a lot. Yesterday I ran out. My route home led me past an auto parts store, so I stopped and got replacement fluid.

As I put the fluid into the reservoir, I could hardly believe my eyes: the entire bottle went in with no leftovers. Usually I have a third of a bottle left and I have to find some place to store it until I need it again. Where does one keep a third of a bottle of windshield washer fluid?

After filling my washer fluid, I stopped at my neighborhood gas station for another car wash in the dark. I wanted to wash the salt off the rest of my truck.

I have a lot of pine needles at the bottom of my windshield.

I have a lot of pine needles at the bottom of my windshield.


  1. Carol

    And there was no blue puddle under your engine when you next moved your car? Or maybe you won’t know this until this morning…or the next time you need those wipers and nothing comes out of the fluid chamber again…catching where this is going? OK, so the good news is you have no need to store 1/3 bottle of unused fluid. We’ll hang with that until further notice.

    On a related note, when it’s time to replace wiper blades, cash a bond before getting them. I nearly dropped my dentures* to learn that the style I needed for my humble Forester was normally $24…each…but big sale that day – only $20 each. 🙁 Sure, they form fit my windshield, but for a moment I actually considered just keeping the old ones and hiring someone in bad weather to lean over my roof with a squeegee. As Garrison Keillor often preaches, “It could be worse.”

    *So far, just a figure of speech, though I do have yet another crown recently with two waiting in the wings. Aging is not for sissies.

  2. Lauren

    Wow, you were out. Good thing you got a car wash, too – you don’t want your gas tank rusting out. (Source: Had gas tank rust out from not washing salt off car.)

  3. Peggy

    Brave you have become!

  4. Gretchen

    Using something completely up brings me great joy. I hope it does the same for you.

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