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I’m having my seventh graders make some kind of commitment for Lent. When I give this assignment, I always like to do it along with them. This year, I decided to do push-ups and sit-ups each day.

At the one week mark yesterday, I had them take stock of the situation. How were they doing? Was it harder than they thought? Do they need to make any adjustments?

I shared my own progress: I have done push-ups and sit-ups exactly once. Dang. I feel mentally alert in the mornings, but not physically up to doing exercise first thing out of bed. When I get home, I’m too tired and I just want to sit for an hour or two before I go to bed.

I will need to change my Lenten commitment. What will I do? I’m thinking of doing some home-thing each day. I have papers that need to be organized, taxes that need doing, and boxes that need unpacking. I could do one thing each day, couldn’t I? Couldn’t I?

That pumpkin is from Halloween.  It still has candy in it.

That pumpkin is from Halloween. It still has candy in it.


  1. Carol

    Seems ta’ me that, unless and until the clutter clean up is done, you may be hard “pressed” (see what I did there?) to find flat surface on which to do any exercising, so….let us know if you need delivery of any filing boxes; we always have plenty on hand. Best wishes, sir. And when you’re done at home, our address is….

    • Brad

      Haha! Yes. All my horizontal surfaces have papers on them. In the picture, you can see I’ve even put some envelopes on the vase in front of the radiator. This is something in which Brad From The Past has definitely let me down. Why can’t he pull himself together?

  2. Lauren

    Yes. The cleaning of the clutter. That seems to be an attainable goal, and very inspirational, too. Mind if I join you?

    • Brad

      Yes! Maybe if you told me how blindingly successful you were in accomplishing your goals, I would be shamed into doing at least something.

  3. Beth

    I like this challenge:

    I’m even sort of doing it, but not for Lent, just in general. I highly dislike clutter in my own spaces. The article even gives you spaces to check for clutter. I like it. 🙂

    • Beth

      I should also have noted, one of my favorite things is that any size bag will do… I actually went through the little basket in our bathroom closet that has all the dental floss and contact cases… I filled a ziploc with floss and contact cases (we had an embarrassing number of both!). And it COUNTS!! One bag. Done.

      • Lauren

        Holy cow that’s a good idea! The daydreamer in me totally wants to do that! The tired real me? We’ll see how it goes.

  4. Peggy

    To me it’s all about perspective. I don’t see a full shelf. I see A LOT of space still available. Vertical space. In the photo alone, look at all that space you still have to fill. And you have really high ceilings, right? So I’d say you’re good for a while.

  5. Peggy

    But if you want practical advise, start with the pumpkin. Eat the candy. Done.

    • Deborah

      Either eat the candy or mail it to me.

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