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Pocket Papers

I was just pulling a note out of my pocket for a co-worker after school yesterday and noticed that I have a lot of paper in there. Normally it’s just my grading pen and nothing else, but when last quarter ended, I wrote some lists on papers and carried them in my pocket as I went from teacher to teacher.

That was in January, and I’m still daily taking these papers out of my pocket and putting them on my dresser, then taking them off the dresser and putting them in my pocket. Sheesh, Brad! Clean out your pockets!

I also have a highlighter in there, but it’s only been two days. I was using it to mark possible vocabulary words in a possible classroom novel for possibly one of my Literature classes.

I wore my snow tie yesterday because it's supposed to snow a little today.

I wore my snow tie yesterday because it’s supposed to snow a little today.


  1. Carol

    The possible vocab word highlighter technique – ancient! Used by a first year teacher I know who worked in LeMay, MO, with 5th graders reading “Cheaper by the Dozen” at the time. (Should that title have been italicized BTW? I used to know those sort of things…) Fairly effective as I recall. Good luck with that – and with ever getting those pockets empty.

  2. Lauren

    Wow – the same papers. That’s impressive. I take papers out of my pockets at night (or when I’m doing laundry because I missed some papers), but they’re my daily list and any other papers I’ve shoved in there. Your papers seem to be valuable – like currency.

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