Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Iambic Pentameter

I learned a thing on Thursday prior to bells.
The movie that I learned it from is HERE.
I showed it yesterday in class at school.
And still the rhythm echoes in my mind:

The samples helped them understand the thing.

The samples helped them understand the thing.

The kids did well when writing out their own.
My fav’rite is the one I share below:

Today we wrote some sentences in class.
Pentameters of iambs are not fun.
I’ll fa-il if I get the rhythm wrong.
This sentence is the last one I will write.

In other news, it snowed some yesterday.
School was not canceled. We just watched it fall.
It’s funny that it was the first of Spring.

My windows give me an expansive view.

My windows give me an expansive view.


  1. Carol

    LOVE the sample you shared – my sentiments exactly. If your kiddos think this rhythm stuff is fun, invite them to learn Latina and study Latin poetry. It’ll either make ’em jump off a roof or they’ll be in heaven. Meanwhile….

    Our friend writes blogs each day for us to read
    So ev’ry morning this gal feels the need
    To check the site and see what news has come.
    It’s never dull, pedantic, trite or dumb

    Thank you I’ll be here all week.

  2. Carol

    …and TED Ed is wonderful, is it not? Love the heart beat style illustration of all those meters – which student wouldn’t “get” it that way? Plus, who doesn’t enjoy listening to a good English accent giving instructions?!

  3. Lauren

    Your post is one that will stick in my head.
    That video was helpful as could be.
    I’m thankful that you teach the kids to write.
    The lessons that you teach are good for me!

  4. Lloyd

    Shall I compare thee to a walrus?

    Nailed it!

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