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Maple Cornbread

When I order from the local barbecue place, they include cornbread. When I eat it, I always put maple syrup on it. Mmm… it’s so good. We always ate it this way when we were kids. An internet search tells me this isn’t unique to us. Interesting.

I took the picture with a small amount of syrup.  After the picture, I added a bunch more.

I took the picture with a small amount of syrup. After the picture, I added a bunch more.


  1. Lauren

    When I moved to Seward, that was one of the breakfasts our cook at the CDC made. I initially thought it was weird, but I’ve come to embrace it. C’mere, you weird little food. Lemme give you a hug.

  2. Bev Greunke

    I love cornbread with syrup on it. So did your Great Grandpa & Grandma Hoffmann and your Grandma Royuk. I buy it in a small box (Jiffy brand here in Nebraska) and make it in a small pie plate. (The mix is by the cake mixes in the store, I think. Or you could ask if your feeling like making some of your own) MMMMMMMmmmmm Good!!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

    • Brad

      Interesting. I wonder if my mom’s family did this too. One of my internet searches said this was the “yankee” way to eat cornbread and that southerners would never eat it this way.

  3. Peggy

    I’ve never heard of syrup on cornbread, but it sounds quite intriguing and looks delicious! I don’t even put butter on my cornbread….just eat it plain. Next time, I’ll have to get out the King Syrup.

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