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Aunt Bev sent me a package!

What could it be?

What could it be?

Inside was… another package!

Look at all the stickers and markings!

Look at all the stickers and markings!

Hehe… she told me about this. She sent the package in time for Easter, but it had the wrong address, so after apparently traveling around the country and getting stickers and stamps all over it, it came back to her. She just wrapped it in a new wrapping and sent it again.

And what was inside it?



She found some Spree candies! Woo hoo! I ate a whole box of them while I looked through the book. It has a bunch of anecdotes about little kids saying cute things. Thanks, Aunt Bev!


  1. Carol

    Awww…somebody in Arlington, Nebraska, must love you!

    [Isn’t it sad, though, when your mail does more traveling than you do? 😉 ]

  2. Lloyd

    I was glad to see that the postage didn’t go up between trips.

    • Bev Greunke

      I AM TOO !!! 🙂

  3. Bev Greunke

    🙂 Glad It Made You Happy!! & That You Liked The “Spree’ Although I’ll have to send more if you at one whole box already (maybe two by this morning?!?!?) 🙂

  4. Lauren

    That is splendid! Way to go, Aunt Bev!

    Those stamps are fascinating. You could frame that envelope as art, or at least have an interesting discussion at school about Real Mail and the process.

    • Bev Greunke

      (^_^) Blessings On Your Day…..

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