Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


While I was in Nebraska, I made a list of things I was going to do around the house once I got home. Some of the things are big projects, others are small. I was going to get to one of the big ones right away because I was feeling inspired by Deborah and her crazy-ambitious house renovations. But once I got to Baltimore, my garden, my Xbox, and my TV were my undoing.

But yesterday, I did a thing on the list! Woo hoo! It was a small thing, but it was still a list thing. The top of my refrigerator became a temporary storage place for a bunch of stuff while I was unpacking after the fire. Two years ago. I really needed to sort through those items, throw as much away as I could, and store the rest elsewhere. I told myself for every one thing I kept, I had to throw away or donate two other things. It worked pretty well.


A lot of miscellaneous glass stuff.

A lot of miscellaneous glass stuff.


It didn't really take me until it got dark.  I just forgot to take the after picture.

It didn’t really take me until it got dark. I just forgot to take the after picture.

I am keeping all the large salad bowls and punch bowls. I found a good storage place for them. Besides that, I’m keeping the following things. The only one that doesn’t have some sort of sentiment attached to it is the large vase. I’m just keeping that because I like it a lot.

Many memories.

Many memories.

I feel like I should list what these things are. From left to right: A bowl from Grandpa and Grandma Hummel’s house, a big vase I like, a tiny vase that my friend and pastor Paul found in a graveyard, a mug I designed when I was in kindergarten, a cereal bowl from my childhood.


  1. Lauren

    Dang it. Now you’ve inspired me. Thanks a lot, Brad. I had other plans.

  2. Carol

    You can take healthy pride in this culling, sir – nicely done. Of the five remaining objects, the one that made me go “Huh?!” was the tiny cemetery vase – not because I could not understand why there would be a vase in a cemetery but how/why/when it was then found and removed by the pastor and gifted to you. It seems a good size for the inevitable clover stalk “flowers” small children bring indoors as presents for adults they care about. You may want to relocate it to your school room so you’re prepared for that next year, no? Anywho, congratulations and you may now go play Xbox.

  3. Deborah

    Proud of you!

  4. Peggy

    Wait. What?!? The top of your refrigerator isn’t a shelf? You should get a frig like mine…..where the top is a shelf. It has that great new-modern-open-shelf look. I just tidy it up from time to time.

  5. Lauren

    There. I cleaned the stupid top of my stupid refrigerator so I could be cool like Brad. While I am grumbling about it, could I request that you do one little job a day, tell us about it, and I will try to do the same? Maybe it will be cleaner around here.

    • Peggy

      Nooooooo! Lauren, don’t got to the dark side. There is still time to turn back.

    • Peggy

      Your refrigerator has a shelf on top!

      • Lauren

        I’m not as dedicated as Brad. My refrigerator shelf still has two bowls, a pitcher, a fan and a cat on it. 😉

  6. Bev Greunke

    Sorting & Purging Is My Life’s Motto Right Now!!!! Don’t know if there is much more to go through since my pack/move is complete, but maybe as I unpack and don’t have room for “something”, but I’m sure I’ll find a home for “it”, whether here or there !!!

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