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My church is doing VBS this week. At my old church, I was always in Nebraska for VBS because it was earlier in the summer. Since I am here while VBS is going on, I am volunteering to help.

Yesterday was the first day. My job was to travel around with a group of kids as we went to different activity stations. It was fun. We started all together in the fellowship hall for a little music and a crazy drama presentation by the leader and the pastor.

Pastor wore a wig and talked in a funny voice.

Pastor wore a wig and talked in a funny voice.

The stations were so interesting. The people who wrote these materials really did a good job. The theme is Mount Everest. I haven’t experienced VBS materials since I was a kid, but I was really impressed by the stuff I saw yesterday. Here is the station where we learned about Elijah being fed by ravens and living by a river where he could have water during a drought. The artificial river had a bucket of water in it so the kids could all dip a cup in and have a drink. It was genius!

The woman telling the story did an awesome job

The woman telling the story did an awesome job


  1. Lauren

    How cool! Most of the churches around here are doing Mount Everest, so it’s good to get a glimpse into what it looks like. (We did Camp Discovery.) How delightful that you are helping this year! I love peeking into other church’s goings-ons. 🙂

    Did you have good snacks? Let’s face it: that’s where it’s at.

  2. Peggy

    Yes, I agree…..the VBS material has come a long way. I noticed when my kids were in VBS. And I just loved being a part of it too. I was always in charge of decorating…..and decorating I did. Inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs. So fun! I often told a story too. With costumes of course.

    Enjoy your week! Singing, stories, crafts, and snacks…..what a great way to spend your mornings!

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