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Brad 1

My truck radio antenna is still broken. I don’t usually like silence in the car, so I’ve been playing a lot of CD’s. I have kind of a small set of them in my truck. When I was cleaning the basement a couple of weeks ago, I found some more CD’s, many of which are homemade and unlabeled. I’ve been listening to them to see what’s on them. Yesterday I put a CD in the player, and was so excited to hear what it was.

I have three numbered CD’s in my truck called Brad 2, Brad 3, and Brad 4. These are all playlists I built and then ripped to CD. They represent the last years I cared about music from the radio. I think Brad 4 is probably six years old or so.

The unlabeled CD I played yesterday is Brad 1. I hadn’t seen it in years. I didn’t even remember if there was one. But as each track played, I remembered. This is the first digital playlist I ever built. It is mostly movie soundtracks. It was so fun to listen to it. I don’t know how old it is, but it has music on it from Batman Begins, which would put it somewhere around 2005. It’s a blast from the past!

Together again at last.

Together again at last.


  1. Lauren

    You’re a musical archeologist! How totally fun to have a time capsule of music! Brad from the Past didn’t know he’d be entertaining Future Brad so much. 🙂

    I wonder if I have any old mixed tapes….

  2. Jill

    Circuit City!! Talk about a blast from the past…RIP CC.

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