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Sandwich and a Story

Last night was church choir practice, so it was my stay-in-Catonsville-late night. For dinner, I went to Panera Bread. They changed their menu since the last time I ate there. I got a new sandwich. It had turkey, cheddar cheese, and apples. I liked it.

I also finished reading a long short story I’ve been working on called Way Station by Clifford Simak. (Interesting… I just googled the story to double-check the spelling of Simak, and I see it is called a novel. I found the story online and printed it out. I shrunk the text and printed on both sides of the paper, so it seemed like a short story to me.)

I drank a TON of tea.

I drank a TON of tea.

I really enjoyed the story. It’s old-style science fiction: full of wonder and optimism… not this modern-day science fiction that’s gritty, dark, and expecting the worst from humanity. I’m feeling the urge to go back and read some Asimov or Heinlein again.


  1. Lauren

    That looks like a very enjoyable dinner. Reading, turkey, soup? All that’s missing is a fireplace.

    If you can get a copy (online is cheapest, I think) of The Martian, I really enjoyed that. A tiny bit dark at times, but mostly an upbeat story about an astronaut that isn’t going to let being stranded on Mars kill him (or his indomitable spirit). Some swearing, though. Who am I kidding? Lots of swearing.

    • Carol

      Lauren – but there is fireplace at Panera – best of all worlds!

      …and the radio is buzzing with the movie adaptation of that Martian book with Matt Damon – apparently he does a decent job portraying a doomed man who refuses to consider himself thus and keeps growing his veggies on the wejustdiscoveredliquidwaterthere planet. I might just have to go see that one.

  2. Deborah

    I went to Panera for the first time last week. The Autumn Squash Soup was amazing!

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