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Aquarium Update

My aquarium has gone through some interesting cycles since the summer. My plants sort of melted away, then there was an algae bloom, then the algae died away. Lately, the plants have been growing again. And now there suddenly is a new wave of cyanobacteria. I need to do a water change and a good cleaning, but I haven’t made the time since I’ve been extra-super-busy with school stuff.

On the plus side of things, the bottles I put in at the end of July have a really weathered look to them. They look like they’ve been sunken on the floor of the river for ages.

The algae is producing oxygen which is gathering in little, shiny bubbles.

The algae is producing oxygen which is gathering in little, shiny bubbles.


  1. Lauren

    Those bottles do look amazing – like one of them could be holding some secret treasure! I am in awe that your hobbies involve such dedicated maintenance, and that you do it.

    Could you give your gerbils some tiny scuba gear and have them clean it? Seems like a win-win.

  2. Peggy

    Wow!! Those bottles look awesome!!

    Have you ever watched the show Tanked. I’ve seen it a few times. I think it’s really fun to watch.

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