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Fox and Friends

Yesterday morning as I was driving through my neighborhood on my way to school, something caught my eye. I thought it was a cat at first, but then I saw its bushy, white-tipped tail. It was a fox! There was a fox in my neighborhood! It was so exciting, I stopped to take a picture:

I think the fox is toward the center, near that wet ditch.

I think the fox is toward the center, near that wet ditch.

After I saw the fox, I wondered how it gets along with the neighborhood cats. Do they just leave each other alone? Do they compete for the same food? Would one of them actually eat the other one?


  1. Lauren

    A fox in the city, eh? Poor little guy, off on a rag-tag adventure. That sounds like a Disney movie just waiting to happen. Let the finish up with the Star Wars stuff first, though.

    • Brad

      Hehe… I am trying to avoid any previews or spoilers about the upcoming Star Wars movie. It’s been difficult, but I have been successful so far. The last movie I went to had a preview, and I closed my eyes, plugged my ears, and hummed. I had to hum because the speakers in theaters are so dang loud.

  2. Lloyd

    We have a fox that lives behind Lincoln Lutheran. It’s not very old. We see it walking across the football field occasionally.

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