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One of my eighth grade students asked me to fill out a recommendation form for a summer volunteer program at the zoo. It was easy to recommend her. She is creative, hard working, and kind. To fill out the form, I had to rate her on various characteristics. Numbers 3, 4, and 5 were: Average, Above Average, and Excellent.

As I thought about this student, I honestly wanted to mark her with all fives, but I kept wondering: When people receive forms like this, and it’s marked with all fives, do they disregard it as being filled out by a lazy or dishonest person? I tried to find something I could mark her with a four, but in the end, I just decided to be honest even if it meant all fives. I hope she gets into the program. It sounds fun.

(I didn’t take a picture of the form, so this post is pictureless)


  1. Carol

    Your post today is reminding me of a former colleague of ours (big hint: “He’s a good kid”) who would usually default to the highest ratings of just about anything (s)he was asked to evaluate: people, programs, whatever. And tour concern is exactly what flashed through my mind each time I would read those, too, so I see where you’re coming from. But why would you rate her lower if she isn’t less than excellent? Let’s hope those in receipt of the recommendation bother to ask questions if they feel something is amiss – or to assess her themselves when they meet her and learn how right you were!

  2. Lauren

    Cool for her and good for you! I hope she has a great time at the zoo! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xKLBne1CoI

    We have a form for student teachers to fill out twice during their experience, and the first time I do it I tell them flat-out that the highest I’m going to give right now is a 4 so they have something to aim for. Then I cave the second round and almost always give 5s. Looking back on my own career – I was a pretty terrible student teacher.

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