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Risky Ring

I like wearing a ring on my right middle finger. I have quite a collection now. They’re mostly silver or tungsten, so they’re cheap. As time goes by, I get more interested in rings with stones. They aren’t as cheap.

An opal ring has been my holy grail – my un-findable treasure. There are many mens opal rings out there, but the design is always the same – a squarish mosaic thing with a strip of opal triplet and a strip of onyx or turquoise, or diamonds in the shape of a horseshoe. Ugh.

One night, I stumbled upon an opal auction site, which perhaps unsurprisingly is called Opal Auctions. Among all the loose opals, they also had a little bit of jewelry there, and among the offerings, I found it: a ring that had an actual solid opal mounted on a ring that wasn’t so feminine it could only be for a woman.

I hesitated to buy it. It was fifty dollars, and the seller was in Mexico. What if I didn’t like it? What if I sent fifty dollars to Mexico and never saw it again? But the potential reward was big, so I decided to go for it.

It took a month to arrive by mail, but it finally came. It’s a little small, so sometimes it fits on my finger, and sometimes it won’t go over my knuckle, but I really like it. It’s a solid Ethiopian opal, and it has lots of color in it. Awesome! Now I’m just trying to control myself and not buy other rings from this same seller.

I had a heck of a time getting the camera to focus on the ring.  This picture shows the colors well, but isn't in focus.

I had a heck of a time getting the camera to focus on the ring. This picture shows the colors well, but isn’t in focus.


  1. Lauren

    I like how asymmetrical it is. The colors remind me of a mood ring! You should say that’s what it is, and that it says you’re on the brink of simmering anger. 😉

  2. Lloyd

    I don’t remember your hands looking so old.

  3. Elaine Royuk

    Lloyd, you gave me a morning chuckle!

  4. Deborah

    Your camera couldn’t focus on the ring because it was focusing on your knuckle hairs.

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