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Day Two

Our second day at camp started with the big events: zip line, and the vertical obstacle course called “Nessie”. The kids really enjoyed themselves, and did a great job. I think everyone tried at least one of the high-ropes experiences. I, of course did not.

We stopped at a pond to look at wildlife. We saw frogs and frog eggs and a deer and wild mint. It was pretty cool.

We had some free time after lunch, and I relaxed in the cabin while some boys played a sort of tag game they invented. I was surprised they didn’t nap.

After the free time, we did a station activity with water. The various stations were really cool, but all the kids were falling asleep. We took them back to the cabins and made them lie down with the lights off. They fell right to sleep.

The afternoon brought more games and running. The kids particularly liked a game called ‘Camouflage’, where everyone hides in sight of the ‘it’ person, and the ‘it’ person tries to spot them while staying in one place.

We finished the evening with devotions and a movie. It was “Wall-e”. The kids were really into it.


  1. Carol

    That’s the idea – run ’em ragged, then let them nap it off in a darkened room, then show ’em a movie in another darkened room. This does sound like a fun-filled day, though. Glad all you teachers have the stamina to keep going!

    [Are there a ton of insects in the air up there already, or is it too early n the season to be investing upper arm strength in swatting at no-see’ems and such?]

    • Brad

      There are lots of gnats, but they aren’t nearly as bad as they were last year. Plus, we came prepared for it. The air is thick with insect repellent each time we go out.

  2. Lauren

    Ha! I cracked up that they fell asleep. Do you think they were awake all night with talking and excitement? Carol’s right -run ’em ragged.

    That ‘It’ hide-and-seek sounds awesome! I will pass that on to the big kids.

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