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Boot Camp

Beth, Brent, and Sandra go to an exercise group called Boot Camp. It meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:45am. Beth invited me to attend while I’m here in Nebraska. Out of a desire to be more exercisy this summer, I accepted.

When my alarm went off yesterday, I was very disoriented. I couldn’t remember where I was. After taking a moment to figure it out, I dragged myself out of bed and got ready. Beth picked me up and took me to the Concordia gym.

It's really nice.

It’s really nice.

The regular leader wasn’t there, so it was kind of self-directed, but with the group members all doing the same exercises from a list. It was 12 reps of 12 exercises… as many times as you could go through the list in thirty minutes.

Beth suggested I do 6 reps. I’m glad I took that advice. Even so, I was going it really slow motion, and I was getting a little light-headed by the end.

I was really tired, but glad I went. I’ll definitely be going back again on Friday.


  1. Debbie

    Wow how awesome, except for the starting hour? My body doesn’t really move right until around 8am. Ha good for you! Wish I was there to go with you….although with beth there too I could see us mostly working our abs from laughter! You know how we all get. Lol Glad you made it there safely! And gus too! Your parents will love having him.

  2. Lauren

    Good for you all. I admire that kind of tenacity. The benefit of getting up so early to do it is that you have the whole rest of the day ahead of you then, right? (I’m looking for the benefit of punishing yourself so early in the morning.)

  3. Carol

    Gus’ diary, Day 4:

    SOOOO glad I’m not staying with my usual human this week. What’s this nonsense I hear about rising at school time when school’s out for the summer (and why am I hearing Alice Cooper in my tiny skull right now)? Besides, I have this “thing” and probably shouldn’t over exert myself (ahem). No, no…I shall continue to snuggle in the early hours, waiting patiently for the breaking of the fast, thankyouverymuch.

  4. Brady D Gurganious

    no thanks. i am good with my laziness. enjoy the next round of punishment. email me when you are traveling back through . . .

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