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Repairing the Porch, Day Two

At the start of the day, we had one corner of the porch roof jacked up and braced.

We left the brace up for a while to see that it was sturdy

We left the brace up for a while to see that it was sturdy

Our plan was to replace the post, and let the weight down slowly on top of the new column. It was also important to get each new column to put its weight on the cement and brick pier. We used a cement paver as a base. It worked wonderfully.

The base and cap pieces are only decorative, so they slide up and down.

The base and cap pieces are only decorative, so they slide up and down.

After doing the first column, we wondered about the possibility of letting the brace boards to the lifting instead of using the post jack. It worked famously! We used this method for the rest of the posts.

Set the top, hammer the bottom, and the roof is lifted!

Set the top, hammer the bottom, and the roof is lifted!

After we set the second column, it was time for lunch. We went to Gino’s burger joint. They have shakes there, too. As we were waiting for our shakes, Brent took a selfie with his iPad. Right as he clicked the button, the server walked up with our shakes. Awesome!

Ice Cream makes everyone smile.

Ice Cream makes everyone smile.

After lunch, we got back to work on the columns. What made installing the columns so easy (and so awesome) was that some previous owner built up wonderful supports on the brick piers using cement. The support surfaces were flat and level. We just laid the cement pavers on top, and rested the columns directly on top. All the force from the roof is going through stone into the ground. Wonderful!

Thanks, person from the past!

Thanks, person from the past!

The fourth column’s support is having some problems, so we didn’t do that last night. It was 8:45pm by the time we were finishing, and it was time to get something to eat. Still, we got three new columns installed yesterday, and they are solid and level and awesome! Woo hoo!

Form AND function!

Form AND function!

Today, we’ll sort out the fourth pillar (Phase Two), then it’s on to Phase Three.


  1. Lauren

    Those new pillars look gorgeous! That person from the past was a genius. I hope the corner post goes in well, too. If you’re having too much trouble, just round off the corners and paint it – no one will know. 😉

    I hope that girl at Gino’s knows that she has a beautiful smile. What a happy photo!

    Blessings on today’s work!

    • Brent

      I showed the pic to the server girl and she said “That’s the happiest I’ve ever looked at work!”

  2. Carol

    I stand in awe (well, actually, I sit in my living room, but I digress) at what you gents are accomplishing!! Stay safe, watch the heat index, and keep eating greasy good burgers for energy and nourishment.

  3. Beth

    Those are awesome. And that selfie! ?

    • Beth

      Erm…that ? Was a smiley face…

  4. Deborah

    Wow! I’m just trying to put a shelf up in my house.

    • Jill

      I feel the same way. I couldn’t handle being the 2nd or even 3rd assistant on a project like this. Waaaaay over my head. Good job, Royuk dudes.

  5. Kristi

    Do you guys hire out? You’re doing a super job in a short amount of time. Keep it up!

  6. Debbie

    Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Isn’t it nice when someone was smart before you with the stuff that is now yours! I wish I was there helping you guys. Hurry, can’t wait to see it all done!

  7. Gretchen

    1. Very impressive work!
    2. The stained glass window above your door is lovely!
    3. I could really go for a burger and a milkshake now.

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