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Fish Schloss

My aquarium had a horrible infestation of cyanobacteria, so I bombed it with herbicide. It will be a long time before it’s safe for plants again. I’m not sure I even want to try plants any more.

I also removed the bottles I had put in my aquarium, so it had a huge empty space that needs filling. I decided to look at the various aquarium decorations available at stores. There are many natural-looking things, like branches, rocks, or fake plants. There are also many non-natural things, some of them whimsical and cartoonish, and some realistic.

I decided I would get a castle. There were various options available. My favorite was a Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter type castle. But there was a problem: the store only sold half of the castle. It was clearly chopped in half, and the only thing available was the right half. I asked the guy at the store, and he said no one ever bought the left half, so they stopped carrying it. D’oh!

To the internet! I found both halves online and ordered them. They came on Monday. I put them in right away, but the water was cloudy, so I waited until last night to take a picture. I love it! The colors and detail are wonderful!

The division between the two halves is right in the middle of the bridge.

The division between the two halves is right in the middle of the bridge.

The animals have been slow to explore the castle. I have three loaches that live under the brown decoration to the left side of the picture above. I expected them to be swimming in and out of the holes under the castle, but they haven’t even gone close to it. The boldest creatures so far have been the ghost shrimp. The seem to like hanging out on the roofs.

One is on the balcony!  Ha!

One is on the balcony! Ha!


  1. Lauren

    That is crazy that they make such detailed castles for aquariums. Seriously, why isn’t that my job?

    I see some of your fish are playing quidditch up there. 🙂

  2. Gretchen

    I’m just confused why people preferred the right half to the left half. Smaller aquariums perhaps?

    • Brad

      I was curious about that too. The guy said that people just really disliked the left half. I think that’s strange – especially after seeing it. Honestly, I don’t know why anyone would buy only one of the halves at all. The castle looks incomplete without both.

  3. Bev Greunke


  4. Kristi

    That is cool! I like the contrast of colors with your rock and the castle.

  5. Carol

    Your shrimp and fish never had it so good. Hope they know how fortunate they are to be living in your aquarium.

    …and BTW, did you happen to find anything leaning against your front door yesterday, wrapped in a plastic bag with a small note on it? If not……hope whoever took it is enjoying it. Just know we found it while aimlessly waking the aisles of a Hobby Lobby while on our vacation and immediately thought of you.

    [I tread quite gingerly on the new porch to be sure I didn’t dislodge any of the carefully-placed deck boards. Looks even better in person than on “TV”.]

    • Brad

      I did! Ha! It’s awesome! Or should I say: “It’s SUPER!”?
      Thank you! I love it. I was going to text you last night, but got distracted, and then it was suddenly 10pm.

      For all our viewers at home: Carol and Thurman gave me a Superman light switch. 🙂

      • Lauren

        Cool! 🙂

  6. Debbie Fettig

    I LOVE the castle!! I bought an “aquarium” castle for my fairy garden outside! Obviously my fairy garden wasn’t the typical “fairy garden”. ha I had made it in a leaking bird bath and it finally broke, so you could say that fairyland had an earthquake! I now have things on the ground around my peach tree. It’s fun.

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