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Proof Paperwork

The paperwork the police officer gave me for my burnt out tail light said I had ten days to fix it and show someone who could sign off on it. I then had twenty more days to get the signed form to the proper governmental office.

There are mechanics in Maryland that are certified for state inspections when you want to register a car. A certified mechanic could have signed my paper, or I could go to a police station and get them to sign it.

I decided to go to a police station. I don’t think I’ve ever been to one before. There was one pretty close to my school, so I went there. It was nothing like they are in TV shows. I thought I’d see criminals in the waiting room and see uniformed police officers coming and going. Nope. The only people in the room were a man who was talking to the desk guy, and an old man who was having some sort of medical emergency and was being tended to by two paramedics.

When I handed the desk guy my paper, he typed some stuff into his computer, then told me I was done. Not only had he signed off on the repair order, he had also submitted the paperwork to the proper authority. I’m done! No mailing or anything! Woo hoo!

And so ends the saga of the burnt out tail light.

That truck belonged to the paramedics.

That truck belonged to the paramedics.


  1. Lauren

    Sooo…. not like Brooklyn 99 or Hill Street Blues? I feel let down by your city police station. Now, the Seward station? Crickets.

  2. Kristi

    Did he give you a tour of the place? That’s always a good field trip. When I took my 5th and 6th grade classes, one of the students was always selected to be the “criminal.” (And, yes, it was always the most unruly student. How do they know?) The police officer would “book” him with fingerprinting and mug shots, the whole deal. I loved it.

  3. Bev Greunke

    I’m always the one for the “TOUR”…..Of ANYPLACE!!! 🙂

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