Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

One Down, Seven to Go

I worked on the office yesterday, and got it almost completely cleaned out. I have to pack some books, and there is one piece of furniture left, but it is now an otherwise empty room.

Along the way, I had to sort through some childhood papers and keepsakes. I was good at narrowing things down to just a few items. I also had to thin out my books. I had done a book purge years ago, and had done a pretty good job. This time, I was even more brutal, and I now have only the most sentimental books left.

The room looks really clean now, but it’s hard to get a picture of it. I’ll just show the corner where a computer desk used to sit. Now it’s empty space.

That bottom shelf of books will be donated as well.  I'm only keeping the top two shelves.

That bottom shelf of books will be donated as well. I’m only keeping the top two shelves.


  1. Lauren

    Drat. You are very inspirational. Keep posting pictures like this and maybe I’ll get my act together.

  2. Brady

    Brad, I was trying to figure out how to ask you about this and this seems to be the best way. We need to talk. I will speak for only myself, but I was willing to forgive any time delay in your blog posting while in Hawaii for the first time. You were eventually going to come back stateside and return to normalcy. However, with the impending permanent move to the islands, I and perhaps others, would like to know how we can reasonably begin our mornings without a blog post being there to greet us when we awake? If I wake up at 6am, it will only be midnight there. I may have to wait until ‘gasp’ noon or later to catch up your life! Anyone else with me that reads this? Again Brad, we need to talk.

    • Brad

      Hehe. When I was in Maui before, I wrote my posts before I went to bed, and set them to go live at midnight (Maui time). That way, you’ll be able to see it as early as 6am.

  3. Brady Gurganious

    This might an acceptable answer.

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