Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Knowing Cartman

I’m supposed to have a free basic cable package with my condo. Something’s wrong with it though, so I have very few channels. Mostly I just switch back and forth between FX channel and Comedy channel. I was on Comedy Channel the other night, when South Park came on. I’m not a fan, but the show on FX was even less interesting. Mostly I was just having it on for noise while I browsed Reddit.

Suddenly, the show went from animation to live action. People were playing the parts of main characters. I realized that I knew the guy playing Cartman. I taught him in middle school. It was pretty fun to see him on tv. I tried to take a picture, but I don’t have a DVR and couldn’t pause, so I was taking a live picture of the tv.

He's on the far left.

He’s on the far left.


  1. Lauren

    What?!?! Are you sure you didn’t fall asleep and have a hallucination? How did he/they get on t.v.? Was it part of the actual show? Did they break into broadcasting? Is it an actor attack? Are we in danger?

  2. Karla


  3. Carol

    Always a little startling seeing someone you know on anything video, isn’t it? Yes, I agree this is who you think it is. Fond memories of him playing the piano at those middle school activity nights – Peanuts theme over and over and over and over…

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