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Quattro Stagione

On my way home yesterday, I decided to get pizza. I ordered from one of my favorite pizza places. One of their specialty pizzas sounded really delicious. It had prosciutto, black olives, mushrooms, and artichoke hearts. Mmm…

When I got the pizza home, it looked like this:

It had the four ingredients, but they were in four separate sections of the pizza. Ha! I laughed and was sad at the same time. Apparently, that’s what quattro stagione is.

I briefly considered just stacking one piece from each section on top of each other and biting through all four pieces at once, but decided to just have a piece at a time.

Oh well. At least I have some tasty leftovers.


  1. Lauren

    Quattro crazy. That pizza is like a little kid that doesn’t want his food to touch.

  2. Carol

    “Four seasons” pizza – who could have guessed that meant separating the seasons?! Could you have scrambled the ingredients once you got them home? Live ‘n learn, eh? –she who holds out for Chicago deep dish whenever possible

  3. Debbie Fettig

    Before I read what you wrote, I was wondering if it did all that in the ride home??? LOL

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