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Plates Progress

When I went to the inspection station before getting my Hawaii license plates, I failed. The guy said I needed new shocks. Dang. I had to wait until my next paycheck, but I finally got it fixed! Woo hoo!

New shocks and struts and mountings

New shocks and struts and mountings

I had it done at the place I did my auto work at when I was here in 2013. They had a shop cat, but it was old, and I didn’t expect to see it again, but there it was:

I scratched its head a little.

I scratched its head a little.

Since my truck was fixed, I was able to complete the paperwork and get my Hawaii license plates! Yay!

I'm happiest about the stickers on the right side of the bumper.  Now I won't get pulled over by the police.

I’m happiest about the stickers on the right side of the bumper. Now I won’t get pulled over by the police.

I still need to get my Hawaii driver’s license. I didn’t have time because the DMV closed at 4pm. Some other day…


  1. Carol

    What a lovely plate – rainbow! What do you suppose LHT 256 could stand for? “Lutheran Hawaiian Teacher” maybe, but the numbers…hmm…I only ask because every plate I’ve had has coincidentally matched something in my life at the time. I still have BKB somenumbersortheothers and recall it came out when the Burger King BK Broiler was popular. It also reminded me of a person with whom I had a challenge at the time. So…something to work on: what one’s license plate means. (“A whole lotta nothing, lady! It’s just the next number off the assembly line.”)

  2. Lloyd's Cousin Sam

    You failed an inspection because of shocks? Hawaii must really want mechanics to have work.

  3. Lauren

    There you go – you are practically native now. 🙂

  4. Kristi

    I can never understand why the post office, DMV, court house, and other such IMPORTANT places close so early. How do they expect “real people” to get official business done when they are still at work until 5:00 or later?? It’s quite irritating. Really, people.

  5. Debbie Fettig

    What a cool plate!!! Looks like your pictures, in cartoon! ha

  6. Debbie Fettig

    OH, I meant to say, there was a “shop cat” where I worked and I swear it was like 21 years old when it died….this year finally. The girl that worked my position before me was there 9 years and then I worked there 9 years so “Bashful” was at least 18…..I’ve been gone for two so it may have been even older?! Cats are a trip!

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