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Festive Saturday

On Saturdays, I’m always tempted to just stay in and rest all day, but if I don’t go outside, I feel like I wasted the day.

I had heard about a festival at a church in Kula. They call it the “Kula Festival”. I decided I’d check it out.

It was nice. The church is a cool old wooden building.

The view from the church is spectacular. It overlooks Kihei. My apartment is in this picture somewhere:

I didn’t read the thing that said why they had quilts laid out all over the church pews, but it was really cool. I like quilts a lot.

After the festival, I went to school. I was going to try to do some paperwork. It didn’t work out so well. I did at least get my classroom floor mopped.

There was another festival at the Maui Mall. I went there after school. It was called the Okinawan Festival. I came at the tail-end of it, so most of the stuff was being taken down, but I did sit and watch a drum act for a while. The littlest drummers were super-cute.

One more stop before home: the furniture warehouse that gets items from resort hotels and resells them. I found a bedside table that will work well in my living room to help hold electronics and maybe a lamp. It’s dark and shiny and beautiful.


  1. Lauren

    You have to mop your floor? I am taking that fact in first.

    What a jam-packed day! You have so many cool things going on where you live.

  2. Carol

    Those quilts are gorgeous – I plan to take up quilting in heaven when I have more time to learn. Ahem. Anyway, nobody else has asked yet: why would Hawaiians need quilts in that tropical weather?!

    Great little table ya’ got there, sir! At that rate, in another 3-4 years your entire apartment will be well appointed. 😉

  3. Debbie Fettig

    You’re so cool to just go check things out!! What a beautiful place to be, wherever you go!

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