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Smell Searching

When I got home from school yesterday, I greeted Gus like I always do – I have him a rubdown on the floor. While I was petting him, I kept smelling a really bad odor.

At first I thought it was Gus, but I sniffed him and didn’t detect the smell. Then I thought maybe he pooped on the floor. I looked… nothing. Did I step on some dog poop and bring it in on my shoes? Nope.

Then I remembered: I made a salad for myself Wednesday night and used shaved parmesan. I had some cheese left over, but didn’t want to try to get it back through the tiny opening in the bag, so I threw it away. It was stinking up my trash can. Ugh. I threw it in the dumpster immediately.

I don't like how junky the shelves look, but I want to leave the door open for quick access to the trash can.

I don’t like how junky the shelves look, but I want to leave the door open for quick access to the trash can.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    Ugh. Stinky trash is the worst. I had a similar situation with a styrofoam meat tray. I discovered it too late on trash pick-up day so the whole bag of trash is hiding in the basement freezer until the next one.

    I like your trash can location.

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