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Feed, Trim, and Watch

Yesterday started with a morning visit to Chapin, who is Sam and Rachel’s dog. I split the dog-sitting duties with Tara and Tim (and Harold) for Friday and Saturday. Last night, Chapin’s regular dog-sitter came back from a trip.

After that, I helped my mom trim the bushes in front of her house. They had become raggedy looking. Harold lent us his electric clippers, and I clipped the bushes until they were smooth (mostly). They did look better afterward.

My mom got an action shot.

My mom got an action shot.

While we had the ladder out, we checked the gutters. There were only a few places where leaves and other detritus had gathered, so we just decided to take care of it.

Another action shot.

Another action shot.

In the evening, I met Samith in Lincoln for dinner and a movie. It was pizza and Sicario. Both were good.

When I was going to bed, it rained super hard. I had to smile because as I was cleaning the gutters out, I said to my mom that I hoped the next rain would be a hard one so all the loose specks of things in the gutters would wash out. And I’m sure they did. Yay!


  1. Carol

    Four reflections, in the order of your post:
    Our yews that you planted in the front garden need a trim – when might we expect you? 😉

    Nice use of the word “detritus”!

    We have a similar ladder in our shed!

    God hears our prayers and, in your case, answers them quickly. Glad He finished your gutter cleaning all in the same day.

  2. Lauren

    Wow! You are just on fire now – both with the work and the catchy titles! You are a very good guy, Brad. 🙂

  3. Debbie Fettig

    Mmmmm, electric clippers! How fun! I could do some serious damage with those!!!

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