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A Tasty Treat

Happy Birthday to Beth! Yay!

For lunch at school, I have a sandwich every day. I’ve been on a ham-and-cheese stint for a while, but sometimes I do long stretches of peanut butter and jelly.

I also have a raw fruit or vegetable of some kind. I was eating bananas all last year, but this year they don’t seem to be appealing to me. I try cucumbers every once in a while, but my big favorite right now is green peppers.

And then there’s the “unhealthy” item. Sometimes it’s breakfast cereal in a zip-bag. Sometimes it’s cookies or some other dessert I happen to have on hand. But yesterday I had something special. When I was last at the grocery store, my fell upon the Chicken in a Biskit crackers. Mmmm… they’re so good… I got a box of them. They will be my treat for lunch this week.

They're so salty and delicious.

They’re so salty and delicious.


  1. Lauren

    Mmmmm…. I can taste their chickeny goodness now! Those were a rare treat long ago, so you have chosen well. I like your system for taking lunches – it makes good sense.

    Happy Birthday to Beth!

  2. Deborah

    Happy birthday, Beth!

  3. Debbie Fettig

    LOVE the Chicken in a Biscuit crackers!!! They are good with squirt cheese!! Another “unhealthy” but delicious item.

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