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Driveway Golf

There’s a tree on my school campus that is dropping nuts right now. Actually, maybe they should be called fruits. In between the skin and the giant seed inside is a thin layer of sweet and tasty flesh. I know. I’ve tasted it.

But when the nuts drop on the driveway, they make it look cluttered. And then cars drive on them and they get smashed and look messy.

When I walk back to my classroom from my office, I’ve developed a habit of clearing the nuts one at a time by kicking them down the driveway.

My goal is to get them past my room and down the sloping exit into the street. It’s a challenge because the nuts aren’t round and the ground isn’t even. But when I do it successfully, it’s a sweet victory! And the school driveway is a little cleaner.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! How clever to make a chore into a game! I like that you see the little things like that and take care of them. Thank you for investing in your school’s care!

    Dang it, now I want to kick some fruit. Especially since that arrow is pointing at the goal.

  2. Debbie

    Better than having to kick a habit! Good for you to prevent the nut mashing! Or, does this mean an extra unusual side dish at Thanksgiving?

  3. Carol

    Egg-cellent idea! This puts the “fun” in “functional”! You have found a way to mix clean up with exercise (?) – nicely done.

    BTW, what exactly is that tree/are those nuts that taste good?

    • Brad

      It is called Madagascar Olive tree. It has nice broad leaves that provide nice shade for the preschool yard, but those nuts that get all over the place are crazy! My friend Kaala calls them “garbage trees”. Ha!

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