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Five Fish

I saw a posting for angelfish on Craigslist. It was a month old, but still, if I could get angelfish for my classroom aquarium for $2 each, that would be great!

I emailed the guy, and he said he had fish left. Nice! I went to meet him on Wednesday night. He said that since I was a teacher, there would be no charge for the fish. Woo hoo!

His wife asked what school, and when I told her, she said her brother taught there. I didn’t teach with him, because he left right before I came, but I do know of him, and I told her so. In fact, the barrel I’ve posted about was set up by him. Ha! So fun to make connections like that!

I put the angelfish in the tank, but didn’t take pictures because it was so late. Here are some pictures from yesterday:


  1. Lauren

    That first photo looks like the guy on the left is in trouble or something.

    What kind people with amazing connections! Win win!

  2. Carol

    No, Lauren…the fish on the left was trying to get the rest of the conga line to move over a bit for the leg kicks he had planned later in the choreography.


    Angelfish have no legs, you say?

    Okay, then, Lauren…you’re probably right. Wonder what he did? Hmmmm

    P.S. -Great free fish, Brad!!

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