Yesterday we met Denis’ friend Marjorie for breakfast. We ate at a casino. It was most delicious.
After breakfast, we hit the road to drive back to California. The landscape along the way is so interesting. It’s wide open and mostly dry and barren. I was fascinated.

I wish I had gotten a picture of it, but there was a haze across the desert distance that was mysterious-looking and beautiful.
Look at those wide-open spaces. That terrain looks familiar to me – scrubby desert-ish land with mountains in the distance. Ahhh…. the southwestern half of our nation…..
Does Denis know anything about the job yet? Not to nag, but I’m curious. 🙂
It’s kind of a slow process. The next step is another interview. It’s in a few days. This time it will be on zoom though, so he won’t have that long drive.