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Misugaru Monday

I got up early and did my grading at school yesterday. I’m done! Yay!

In the afternoon, I met with an elder from church to discuss upcoming services. We met at a coffee shop near my house that I didn’t know was there because it’s behind an Arby’s. It’s a nice place. I enjoyed having our chat there. I can imagine going back there to read or work on a laptop or something. They had outrageously large sweet treats that I’m curious about as well.

For my meeting with the elder, I only wanted something to drink. They didn’t have raspberry syrup, so I couldn’t get my usual raspberry latte. Instead I ordered something they said was their specialty drink. It was called misugaru.

I got a misugaru latte – that is, misugaru powder mixed with warm milk. It was really good. It tasted like sweet bread, or blenderized oatmeal, or granola juice. (It’s hard to describe). I will definitely have it again though. Yum!

The internet tells me misugaru is a Korean food. That helps explain all the Koreans in the cafe…


  1. Lauren

    How brave to try something new and different. (You are a raspberry latte guy, I’m a mocha.) Do you think coffee shops can do samples of things like that? So curious…..

  2. Carol

    Hearty congratulations on no longer having paper grading hanging over your holiday break – way to go, sir! May this be only the beginning of more timely student assessments in the future.

    …and an exciting new beverage – two great surprises in one day. I am appropriately impressed. Enjoy the balance of your day (though this is a tough act to follow IMHO).

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