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Yesterday a student borrowed a pencil from my “found items” cup on my desk. He went to sharpen it, and came back to me asking what was wrong with the pencil. When he handed it to me, I noticed it said “DO NOT SHARPEN” on it. Why?

Why not sharpen it?

I think it should be called a PENcil. Get it?

It’s an erasable pen! It’s a clever idea, but who reads pencils before they sharpen them? I think this is a diabolical plan hatched by the pencil sharpener industry to ruin sharpeners so that people have to buy replacements.

My sharpener is still working, by the way. I jiggled a trigger inside the sharpening mechanism and things seem to be working okay now. Except that kid yesterday sharpened this pen it it.


  1. Lauren

    That is a stupid pen. You should mail it back to the people at Foray. Or make a voodoo doll of the CEO of Foray and jab it with the pen!

  2. Deanne

    Just this morning, Daniel & Susana came to me each with their PENcil. I thought it was kinda cool, but I don’t have to worry about some kid ruining my pencil sharpener. (I bet THATs not under warrenty!)

    • Susana

      We actually don’t have that pencil we have a “Zebra” pencil it looks a lot like a normal pencil but it really is a lead pencil.
      The pencil that is there is a pencil with liquid graphite not an erasable pen!!

  3. Peggy

    That’s a ______ of a thing!!!

    • Peggy

      … if I may quote you …

  4. Kim

    as if middle school students were not confused enough!

  5. Michele

    I’ve had to jiggle (unstick) that same thingy inside my sharpener twice now this year. Maybe a little WD40 would do the trick. I know how you love that stuff!

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