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I don’t know what it is with me and mornings lately, but yesterday my truck wouldn’t start. When I turned the key, all I got was “click-click-click-click”. Thank goodness for the internet. It suggested that my battery was depleted. I did remember that on Sunday my window was still down after getting out of the truck. I turned the key to the “on” position to roll the window up. The headlights must’ve stayed on. I’ve been leaving my lights on all the time because they usually turn off by themselves. Usually. I’ll be turning the switch manually from now on.

I have jumper cables, so I turned Denis’ car around and jump-started my truck. Easy-peasy! So I’ve had a flat tire and a dead battery. What other common car problem can I experience at 6am? I hope my next challenge is not a dead body in the bed of my truck. I’m low on trash bags.

I forgot to take a picture until after I took the cables off.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! You funny. I think your tail light is going to go out.

    How long did this whole process take?

    • Brad

      Probaby about thirty minutes from the time I heard “click-click-click” to the time I took off for school. Good thing I have extra time in the morning.

  2. Deanne

    Man, can’t get a break, can you?

  3. Lloyd

    Is this some sort of gambling pool? If so, I would like to place twenty dollars on running out of windshield washer fluid.

  4. Beth

    I think you’re window is going to get stuck…and once you get it up again, you’ll have to keep it up, so when you go through drive-throughs, you’ll have to open your door instead of using the window…which is an embarassing pain in the tush…

  5. Peggy

    I think the click-click-click you heard was really a tick-tick-tick. I think your next car problem will be that bomb finally detonating. Unless you cease all investigations…then I predict you backing over a little old lady.

    • Brad

      Like I’m not already thinking about my own death enough. Thanks a lot.

  6. Kim

    “Thank goodness for the internet. It suggested that my battery was depleted.”

    Are you kidding? You googled to find out that your battery was dead?

    • Brad

      Haha! My lights were coming on fine. My radio was playing. It was just that the engine was clicking. I didn’t know what a clicking engine meant. (Except now I’ll always suspect a bomb, thanks to Peggy.)

  7. Brad

    Aunt Bev emailed and said the next thing will be:

    Running out of Blinker Fluid? They sell this in the Redneck Auto Stores!!!

  8. Carol

    Well, if we do start a pool over this, here are my bets:

    1. Overnight a bored squirrel with a dental issue will have eaten through important wiring (e.g., brake cables) – ‘course, you may not know that until you need your brakes for the first time…
    2. The Confederated Amalgamation of Rabbits (CAR), will have held its monthly meeting in the bed of your truck and left you lots of “presents”…
    3. A BLS student who has recently moved onto your block has written lovely words all over your truck that simply must be removed before you leave for campus… (No, this is not the voice of experience typing here…yet…)

    Any takers now?

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